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Pre-Configurd Ind Distribution F ZDF242430DA2

Mfr: Panduit

Part #: ZDF242430DA2

$5,654.02 Out Of Stock

Ff 800x42ru1200 Black Shfd L&r XG84222BS0093

Mfr: Panduit

Part #: XG84222BS0093

$5,684.74 Out Of Stock

Ff 800x45ru1200 Wh Tc Shfd XG84522WS004P

Mfr: Panduit

Part #: XG84522WS004P

$5,757.12 Out Of Stock

Ff 700x45ru Tc/Bs Shfd/Srd L-R Panl - C Black Pk1...

Mfr: Panduit

Part #: XG74522BS01L7

$5,794.55 Out Of Stock

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  • Panduit 
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From the data center to the office to the plant floor, Panduit creates the physical, electrical, and network infrastructure that makes more meaningful connections.

Panduit recognizes that physical, electrical, and network infrastructure is more important than ever for connecting the critical parts of the world we live in today – and in the future. Our vision is to leverage our full portfolio and capabilities and our partner ecosystem, to support our customers in the design, development, and deployment of infrastructure solutions that realize these critical connections for life.

Connections mean everything. People thrive on them. Industry is powered by them. Society grows from them. And, in today's hyper-connected economy, your connectivity can be the difference between driving competitive advantage and getting left behind. That's why the physical, electrical, and network infrastructure underpinning your organization grows more essential by the day.

For more than 60 years, we have invested our heart, soul, and engineering curiosity in the innovations that realize the critical connections for life. We work with leading organizations in markets as diverse as manufacturing, education, healthcare, transportation, energy, and telecommunications to create comprehensive, stable infrastructure solutions. These solutions instill agility, productivity, and advantage at every layer of their business.

Our customers look to Panduit as a trusted, strategic advisor who works with them to address their most critical business challenges within their data center, enterprise, and industrial environments, powering progress and the bottom line. Most importantly, these organizations and the markets they serve count on Panduit for the solutions that connect our world in the most meaningful ways.

Here are just a few popular Panuit categories CompSource carries;

CompSource has a great technical staff that can help with your Panduit solution for your exact needs.
Chat with us or give our professionals a quick phone call (800)-413-7361.

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